Okay, what a strange title, I know. But I am very much into Harry Potter and the series is complete and the 6th movie is coming out... and so on and so on. So I decided that this past year has been Book 2 of my life. Book 1 was really long. It spanned from my birth to last July 2008. An adventure story filled with romance and drama, if I say so myself.
Book 2 is from July last year to July this year. And it has a happy ending. (well a bit of a cliff hanger... because the main character is not employed, but HEALED).
And I am disabling this Blog. For two really small reasons. First and foremost I don't have much to report any more. Well at least about Steve's injuries and recovery. I have a lot to say, I am not sure if any one wants to listen to my thoughts... they do tend to drag on. The other reason is that we are changing Internet providers and I am losing my email address and this blog will not let me use my new email as my sign on. I don't know why. So since I will be losing the email that I need to make this blog happen... I am losing the blog.
I am sure that there is an easy answer to fix it. but I took this as a sign that it is time to end.
We went to the races today. It was fun to watch and nice to see all of the people, especially the ones that were so amazingly supportive over the past year. I am not sure how I feel about being at the races, I went because it is fun to be there and Steve does love it. I am not sure that I want to go again. Someone nearly lost control of their boat today, but they gained back control and then finished the race. Two boats collided with each other, the racers are fine, but the boats are not. After seeing and hearing this, I just wanted to pack up and go. I pray for all of the racers and their families.
I did not see Steve crash. But I can only imagine what it was like. I have never seen Steve crash, he has flipped a few times, and I have never been there when he has. Which I am very very grateful for, because my imagination is enough.
But do not fear folks, Steve has video and pictures of EVERYTHING. And stories to match. In fact, the girls and I were sitting on the sand eating our lunch and Steve says, "this is exactly where it happened. if you were sitting here last year, you would have seen it." Nice. Thanks. That is exactly what I needed to hear. But I did not get up and go. He went to talk to someone and I played with the girls. Andrea says "where is daddy's boat?" And I reminded her that daddy does not drive right now, that he was in the accident last year. She knows that he was in the hospital, she reminded me that he is fine now. And then she said "you don't want him to drive. you don't want him to go to heaven." Yep. That is exactly how I feel.
On that note, we stayed until the rains came and then we left. The Quake on the Lake is always an amazing event, great races, wonderful family fun, my girls always have such a wonderful time. They work really hard to make this event a place for the race fans, and the others! It is nothing personal if I don't go again.
I don't know what Steve will do, he loves the sport, loves to race and loves the people involved. But I am hoping to close this book and start a new one.
Sky diving anyone?
Please and please make sure that you keep in touch with us. I am on face book and by now most of you have Steve's email.
God bless you all and take care.
The Linn Family