Friday, September 5, 2008

Crash Diet

I have a lot of miscellaneous thoughts and ideas in my head. Sometimes I speak what I am thinking, other times, I just chuckle to myself, because I find myself amusing. All in all in the past few years I have been working on becoming a more positive and optimistic person. I have been working on my emotional and spiritual side, with Steve and my children. This is just a semi explanation of this blog.

This blog is about me and my family as Steve recovers from his accident, but Steve said that he is stable now and his progress is consistent that I should just write about anything I want to. Anything? I want to? Oh my, the freedom, the glory, the pain (for you, not me). So here it goes, this will get to Steve, this can be about him, I promise.

One of the random thoughts that float around my head is the idea of sharing, giving, providing and weight. I feel and hope that if you exhibit moral characteristics, then you burn calories. If there is one brownie left and you share with your children (a wonderful characteristic for sure), then you will not have any calories at all. If you buy a mocha shake and share with your husband, then no calories. Get a dessert, split it with your sad friend, extra bonus negative calories (because you are sharing AND caring). Imagine my theory for weight loss after child birth... if you are a caring and nurturing, mommy on the spot, up all night, loving and patient during the day, breast feeding, while toilet training a toddler... we are talking 50-60 pounds gone, just like that. I mean, let's be fair, exercise of your body erases calories, why not exercising your morality, spiritually and emotional well being. We would all be thin, fit, healthy, happy and full of God's love and values.

Sooooooooo, wake up, huh? I gained "appropriate" weight with Erica (that little 8 pound 13 ounce darling) and unlike the amazing celebrities who seem to blink and lose five pounds, I have not lost one ounce in the past TWO AND HALF YEARS. I have been kind, generous, sharing, giving, compassionate, loving, sensitive, patient, etc, all of the characteristics that I believe in, all the ideals that God may have for us as well. Not one pound, in fact, I have gained a few over this time frame. Not cool! Maybe it is because while I am being all of these things, I do it over food, but come on, if you are going to be giving, loving, patient, sensitive and compassionate, doesn't that just scream "ice cream."

In fact, I am sitting here and typing this while I am eating graham crackers with made from scratch mango cream cheese frosting (yum). I know that I should not revolve my life and my theories on food, but I love food and apparently it loves me!

So I stopped trying to lose weight and my new goal became to not gain any weight. I was very successful with this goal. I did not gain a pound (after the 30 I gained with my pregnancy). I was so proud of myself. Now I could eat, take care of my body, take care of my emotional and spiritual health and meet my weight goal... let's celebrate! Cake anyone?

Steve has this "diet". He has described this diet to many people, he says that if you eat what you want, when you want, then you will not gain weight. Because, in his theory, you are happy with what you ate and then you have no desire to over eat or replace eat. Replace eat means that if you eat something, and it did not satisfy you, then you will eat more or eat something else or be very grumpy and eat more later. We call this the Steve Linn Diet. Want pizza, have it, hope it tastes good, but then you will be happy and will not have to eat more. Want pizza, settle for chicken... ah bad move, you will not be happy and will go out and get pizza later. Now you have eaten twice instead of once. You get the theory. (FYI, I have not had any success on the Steve Linn Diet and between you and me, neither has he.)

Anyways, in this quest, I had "sweet" days and "non sweet" days, days when I would not allow myself to have any sweets (my favorite things). I felt that this restraint, this "sacrifice" would help me in my theory I discussed above. Surely sacrifice is a spiritual and moral characteristic. Again, this helped with not gaining weight, but not with losing weight.

And my husband, my sweet, loving, generous amazing husband, is a food pusher. He eats and eats and eats (see above Steve Linn diet). I force healthy meals on him for dinner, but lunch for him is Taco Bell, McDonald's, pizza. He loves to eat late at night, he loves sweet treats and is always nice enough to buy enough for me and him (grrrr).

And then the crash, within a three week time span, he lost 30 pounds. Not one, not 10, 30. Pounds. Yes, I know what you are saying, he was in a life threatening accident, broke both of his legs, did not consistently eat for over five days. His appetite is significantly lessened, but he is eating now. What ever he wants, whenever he wants and he weighs less than me. That is right, I said it, less than me. We had a rule in high school, never date a boy that can wear your jeans. What now? Clearly, being kind, patient, loving, supportive, sensitive and caring will not shed this extra weight. And now I have PACKED the house with CRAP so that he will eat more and more and more. I feel like the witch in Hansel and Gretel, I have to fatten him up. I will NOT be the heavy in this family. Ugh. Which is why I have been walking and wearing a pedometer, I am trying to make it to 10,000 steps per day. I am up to 9,500 a day... so surely working this hard, caring for my broken husband, being a patient mom could make me lose at least five pounds. Don't you think?

If this does not work, then I am going to try the Crash Diet that Steve just did. Drive a boat really fast, lose control when rope gets caught in your engine, spin out, get sliced in half by another boat, break both of your legs and crash. Bam, 30 pounds, gone, just like that.

Okay, I can be reflectively funny about this because he is safe, alive and in full recovery. He is doing really well, getting stronger each day (not fatter, just stronger). He is in good spirits and we are nearly back to normal... for us that is, not the defined normal, we were never there...

Me, I am going to try the crash diet, right after I finish this cookie...

May God bless each bite you take and share with negative calories....

May His love rain on your heart and life.

Come on over anytime, we will have cake!



four little blessings said...

OK. So I don't post for a week (or three), and you have to resort to food to get my attention, huh? Feel free to call me if you ever need someone to share with... I can help you! If we split something chocolate... we are being so kind, and the zero calorie thing is just a bonus! Please don't try the crash diet... I can't handle the thought!

Anonymous said...

Dont worry, I'm already on the crash diet with you. When I got pregnant with Allie, I gained 30 lbs and lost it all by the time I went back to work in 6 weeks. Then I stopped breast feeding and gained 23 back. Then I got pregnant with Evan gained 25 lbs and and lost it all by the time I was back to work. Again I stopped breast feeding and gained 12 back. So that means i'm 35 lbs heavier than before I had kids, and I was already overweight to start. So in honor of Evan's 1st birthday bext month, I got myself a personal trainer! (No i didn't win the lottery, It's free at my job) I just started Thursday, and I have been sore-sore-sore for the past few days. But i haven't gone off my diet once yet, and it's reeaallyy strict. IT's all listed what i'm allowed to eat and the ammount and the time I have to eat. And we even went to the Carnival today, and the whole place smelled like elephant ears and corn-dogs. And I didn't eat one thing!!! Go me!! And I have no willpower, so I know you can do it. We can help support each other!!!

four little blessings said...

I saw a lady that looked JUST LIKE YOU at the Costco by my house.... do you shop at Costco??????

Anonymous said...

That's crazy, because I was on my way home from my mom's yesterady, and I saw a kid in a car that looked Just like Erica, then there was this other kid that looked just like Andrea, then I realized that it was them, and I started beeping my horn, and Andrea waved. And poor Kendra looked really confused in the front seat as she drove away (this all happened at a red light!). So i quick called her cell, and she said that Andrea had told he that it was me beeping, and then she preceeded to tell me that they were on their way home, I think from Costco!!! So we both saw Kenda in less than an house! Yes Kendra, we are stalking you! Hehe.

Anonymous said...

BTW, i bet she was at Costco buying a giant chocolate cake, and those huge muffins! Don't try to temp me, i'm enjoying my lunch of a whole wheat totilla, a few slices of light turkey and raw spinach, with a nice ripe pear! And I did 40 minutes of cardio at the 'gym' this morning!!!

Anonymous said...

Ohh, and in my other comment, I meant to say hour and not house. I guess I was typing H-O-U, and my fingers automatically finished with S-E instead of R. What is wrong with me, must be low blood sugar, I need some cake....

four little blessings said...

OK, so I checked back and saw 6 comments... and thought wow! Famous and popular! And then I read they were all from Niki... it was the promise of the mega-muffins, right? Hee hee hee.....New post on my blog. check it out!