Thursday, September 18, 2008

On a scale of 1-10, I am a 1000 in stress!

It has been a few days since the big news and I have been thinking and Steve has been thinking and I have been praying and talking and talking and listening and crying. I feel less angry, not out of anger, but less angry.

Here are my thoughts: "They" should not have approved Steve to return to work, he was coming back to his job, because he is loyal and careful and work oriented. They allowed him to return to work partially disabled and then laid him off. I just know that this is a clear violation of the law, American Disabilities Act is very clear about what you can and can not do to individuals who are on medical leave and disability. However, pursing this legally takes time and energy. So we have some hard thinking to do, what is the right thing to do for our family. I just wish someone at that place of business would understand what they did and offer him back so that he can remain on disability and heal. But they will not. So, we will decide to take the lay off package and sign hold harmless agreement or pursue grievance. I am sure that the suspense is killing all of you, so just hang on... cliff hanger ending!

My husband was not ready to job seek, he was trying to reenter into a position that he is familiar with, and a place that he understands with people who know him, how he works and more importantly what happened. He was NOT prepared to find a new job, start all over again and heal. Just getting to therapy, doctor's and helping with the girls in the morning takes his energy. His doctors have stated that he could work full time if he had to, but he still needs time to heal and gain strength.

IN my rational mind, I understand that lay offs have been happening in this state and I understand that the companies that contract with the company he worked for have been cutting back as well, that is not the point. When Steve is healthy, he would do whatever he had to take care of his family. And now he is progressing well, but not back to normal strength and endurance. And this is what has made me mad.

He feels horrible, he is out of sorts and does not even know what to do next. He is struggling with his sleep and he is tired again, there are all sorts of tests being run because his hemoglobin might be off again. And he is in pain in his knees and has two bone chips that might have too be removed at a later point. I remind him that he did not cause This. These are a set of circumstances, he did not make this happen. He is a strong man, a loving husband, a caring father and does not deserve to feel like he let his family down.

I am not angry, but I am sad, I am frustrated, I am disappointed. I could not do their job, I believe that people should come first, and policy should be second. I hope that these gentlemen face themselves and are able to sleep at night. Because I know that I can't sleep and I did not cause this and I put the people in my life first.

My job, I have to be honest with people, I have to tell young adults what they need to do, what they are doing wrong and what needs to happen next. I have to help them recreate their dreams because their original dream is not within reach. But I do this with kindness, compassion, sensitivity and respect. Even when it is bad news, even when I have to release them from my program, even when what I have to say is not fair, but it is what it is. I still make sure that I am compassionate and respectful. I put the human being first and the policy second. The thing that his managment seemed to be missing.

Again, these are just my thoughts. Please don't sue me for them. Only sue me for my actions.

My prayer for the day is:

May God lift us up, my He stand beside each of us and help us to be people with the Spirit in us. May God allow us to be strong and loving and caring with each other and most importantly with God. May God helps us find direction and purpose, His love His support will be our savior.


May God keep you and your family blessed and may you start with day with a reminder that no matter what, we all deserve respect and compassion.



four little blessings said...

Praying for you, babe! Let me know if you need me!

Anonymous said...

I second that! It's still so hard to believe that they laid him off. Wouldn't you think, even hope, that any reasonable person would have just said "Now may not be the best time for you to come back, why don't you take a few more weeks and get back on your feet." Or something like that! Not "Sure, come on back, we've just been waiting to lay ya off!" I pray for your family, who I know are strong, good people and will pull through this. And for them, since now they have to live with themselves.