Thursday, December 25, 2008

Has the new year started yet?!

Okay, I was just trying to get caught up on all of my things and I realized that I have only blogged once this month. I guess that just shows how busy things are around my house.

I have been really busy at work, I have a full time job and am expected (by myself especially) to fit the whole month in when we are only there for two weeks.

Steve's birthday is in December, I will not disclose how old he is, let's just say, he is old enough to know better and young enough to not really care! And he is doing really well medically. He is walking unaided and is able to stand for a long time. He is tired most of the time, but part of this is to be expected. He is doing well, easily frustrated, but doing well. He is not doing his therapy as much, he is doing many of the exercises on his own. He even earned $15 last week shoveling snow. He did three houses and it took him hours and he could not move for hours... but it was a test of his endurance and strength. I guess he passed and then passed out... but each week is better.

We traveled to my mom's house for the holidays, which was a needed trip for me. My mom and my husband are like my best friends, so it is so important for me to have both with them. And I really want my children to bond with my mom, so I was so happy to go. I usually go every August, but for some reason, this was not possible this year!

I am sad to report that we celebrated Christmas in 70 degree weather. Gee that was hard...

We tried to prioritize God this year, and celebrate His presence and not just the presents. This is hard to do, when we were blessed by so many gifts from others for our children. Thanks Richard.

We went to a Christmas eve service, which was so beautiful, families took turns reading verses and singing carols. I thought it was moving and it made me feel so grateful for my life and all that is around me.

And then that night my mom gave me a gift. She asked my boss for some notes from some students thanking me. I have had a hard year, personally and professionally. And I have struggled to do be it all... as U2 says, running to stand still. So, instead of sending my mom a few notes from kids who I have helped, some little elves put together a WHOLE scrapbook of notes and pictures for me about me. How do you say thank you to people who care enough to thank you. I feel like right now I need to try, stay focused and care, no matter what. Because each word, each action, might just matter to someone. And I know that I am blessed. I am driven by God's force to have this life, to be present in this life.

Thank you Tanya for making this happen, I don't know how you did it. You hate scrapbooking, but this is the fuel that I needed.

So as the old year ends and the new year starts, I will make sure I know what my priorities are: God, Family, work... Each deserves my love and my attention.

My New Year's resolutions:
1. Believe
2. Find at least one amazing thing in each person
3. Laugh every day at least once
4. Tell someone how lucky I am that they are a part of my life somehow
5. Lose 10 pounds. (I have to have this one on my list every year!!)
6. Cherish my family, cherish my life
7. Be grateful and thankful every day.
8. Pray
9. Stand up straight
10. Stay focused on my priorities

I think that this should be a doable list....

I wish the most for you and your family. I will pray for you to find strength, love and laughter this coming year.

Happy New Year.



four little blessings said...

Happy New Year, my friend.... I so appreciate your scrapbook praise, as I have just realized that no pictures were taken of presnet opening today..... too many children, not enough hands.... guess I will be re-wrapping the gifts and calling a do-over tomorrow! Hope to see you soon!


Beth, Bill, E,B,and C said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family! Although, we have not had much contact in the last twenty years, you have been on my mind often. You always have a smile on your face, and you put a smile on mine. I always read your blog to keep up on what is going on with you, and pray for health and happiness for all of you.