Saturday, December 6, 2008

The research is in!

It has been sciencitfcally proven. Happiness and hope are contagious! It is being recorded that when you are around people who are happy and hopeful your mood is lifted! Isn't this wonderful news. So,w hat does this all mean? Well, start with a smile! And not just any smile, not the polite smile taht you put on, but the smile that warms your heart.

What makes you smile? Well, it might be different for many people, but I hope that it is your family, your life, your Faith and your friends. And if you are doing really good, it is also your job.

And when you smile, the facial muscles trigger stuff in your brain and the happy juice is released (sorry about the technical terms) and you start to think and feel happy.

Truly cool, isn't it?!

SO... your attitude really does matter, however your attitude is strongly influenced by the feelings and the attitude of the people around you.

So. Sorry to those, who I have been whiney, pouty, crying and cranky around. I have not been helping your moods and if you have stopped calling me, I don't blame you. But don't worry too much, because Misery does not love company, misery will only drop your mood by 7%, whereas happy company will jolt your mood by over 20%!

So, hang out with me, we are workign on our attitude, working to see the positive in this situation and workign to be optimistic about Steve, his recovery and our financial situation. And if you are being positive and hopeful, then darn it, we will have to feel it too!

So, maybe we all need to rethink about who we have in our lives. This research gives you permission to set limits on the misery and increase the happy ones!

I am not sure what you think, but I think and feel that God is the biggest optimist ever and that he has a sense of humor. I mean, really look around at everything, some of the creations are just funny! And when you see the world, the hard, the dark and then the light, how can you not be happy and grateful for all that we have. Thank God for all that you see, and I will thank God for allowing me to hear, see and feel the happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can't see me, But i'm beaming a Hap-hap-happy smile your way!