Wednesday, February 4, 2009

GPS Please

I have been musing lately. Again. I know what you are saying. When did I stop?

Honestly, I do think alot, about alot... it is just tiring. Some of my thoughts are simple. "Do have any milk?" Some are more complex "what is 1543 * 3435?" or "how to pay for $10 worth of stuff when you have $5?" and others are just down right profound. Well, at least I think so. And I will warn you, the following is the profound.

We have been on a journey. Not a horrible journey, not a wonderful journey. A journey that requires us to think, feel and believe. It has been interesting for the past seven months, and if you don't know what I am talking about, well then read the previous blogs and you will get it. I am not unhappy, I am not worried, I am not feeling targeted or punished, I am just wondering what is next.

Next could the the blessed thing that changes our life for the better or next could be the difficult thing that makes us pause and regroup and move forward strong because of it. I certainly pray that the next is not insurmountable. For all that we have through, it has all been positive in the end.

HOWEVER. I need direction. I like to know where I am going. I don't mind reflecting on where I have been, I like to understand the past so that I can learn from it. But I really like to have a sense of the next step.

We went to visit my mom four or five states away in December, Steve's brother loaned us his GPS system. Which I lovingly named "gipse" Gipse let us plug in the final destination, and when we wanted to make a job, she tried to help us find what we wanted. Gas station? "Turn right in 0.5 miles" Restaurant? "Turn left in .5 miles." We changed our minds and took a different road because of traffic, no problem "recalculating" and then redirected us to maintain our destination. For a person that gets lost easily, I LOVE gipse. I miss her, because she was not ours and I had to give her back.

I really want one. But, in our new budget, a GPS system is not even anywhere on the list. Oh well. Life goes on. I will certainly live without a GPS.

Or will I? What if God made each of us a GPS system? He plugs in our destination, gives us the best route and then redirects us when we get off of the road. I know that you must be thinking, that this is EXACTLY what He does.

But I need it in writing or some type of visual format. Yes, I believe, I really do. I trust in God, I do. BUT, what does trust and believe have to do with having knowledge and information... can't I just get a peek at the road, the path that I am suppose to be on. Can't I get a clue as to the "traffic conditions" or any detours I should take, or worse stormy weather ahead and that I should pull over and stop for a spell?

So, I guess what I am asking for anyone out there to send me this GPS? The one that can tell me my next destination, which way to turn and when to "recalculate". The one that God has programmed for me and my family. I don't mind the journey, I am enjoying most of it, but I would not go to CA without a map... so if you have that system that will plot out my family's destination, could you please send it to me?



Beth, Bill, E,B,and C said...

Love It! Great Analogy.If we knew what was ahead, though, we might mess with Gods plan and get ourselves into more trouble. You know when you are in a line at the store and there seems to be a better line next to you, so you move over, and that ends up being a big mistake!


four little blessings said...

The system you need is Jesus. That simple. Follow his rules, enjoy the ride, and remember that we don't even get to know our route... just be faithful, and like the kids in your backseat, sing along with the tunes, watch the sites go by, and you will be fine. I miss you! Tammy

Anonymous said...

I wantto go to the store where they sell this Awesome GPS, they must have all sorts of other great electronic do-dads. I want to get a TV where you can tune in a channel and you can watch your loved ones at times when you aren't together. Like I could watch my daughter learning and playing at school and watch my hubby succeeding at his new job.