Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treat

We all know this phase, it has been said in my house for the past few days. We went to several community ones and in our own neighborhood. I love trick or treating, because it is fun to watch my two children dress up. And luckily we have a few costumes (welcome to a house of girls with dress up clothes), we did not have to spend a dime. I keep costumes from last year and over the past year, friends have handed down dress up clothes, so we were all set. We were even little divas, we had wardrobe changes! And I love the reaction, the girls who love the decorations, admire what others have done and their manners when someone gives them a treat. In my house, it sounds like this "trick or treat" "thank you". By the 10th house, no prompting was needed! And then the reaction of others, commenting on how adorable my babies are. Yes, they are! And of course my neighbors have a bad habit of spoiling my children, gift cards for toys, card games and pixie dust necklaces and special treats. Made me want to run home and change into a cute and adorable costume... And I did get a strawberry margarita from across the street. So all in all we had a great time!

Alas, I can not just write about this. I must fall into some weird and crazy thoughts that I have been carrying around with me.

Maybe life is a just a big trick or treat. We always have a choice, do we create a life full of tricks or treats or do we all the life to be created for us? I believe that it is all in your perspective. You can look outside at dusk and you can see two or three loose pieces of trash in the street, the leaves piling on the lawn as they have been falling off the tree all day, the chill in the air and think "this is awful, it is getting dark so early, it is getting cold and this place is awful, no one takes care of the area." Or you can look outside on the same day, the same street, the same house and see all of the same things and think "look at this glorious place, the sun is setting creating a glow in the sky, the leaves are creating a carpet of colors on the ground and the chill in the air makes home seem so warm and inviting." (and you pick up the trash in the street, because someone should)

Perspective. That is all. Yes, I know what you might be thinking, this is coming from the lady who was moaning and crying last blog. Yep, I was. I try really hard to have a positive perspective. However, sometimes I just need to stop and have a sad moment (or three days but who is counting) and then regroup.

My goal for the past year has been to not just act and behave with positive perspective, but to think and react in positive ways. I like to make goals for myself each year, because I believe that we always have room to grow. I love, just love, how when one is very serious about a life change, the universe comes and has obstalces, so that you can practice your new skill. Fun huh? So, this year has been full of possible negative things. However, I am trying to see it all in perspective. Yes, what has happened as been challenging, but it is so rewarding in so many other ways. I am choosing to see the treat versus the trick.

My husband is alive and will have a full recovery, with different strengths and different endurance vs. my husband broke both of his legs and is struggling to walk again and our lives will never be the same.

My husband is able to change jobs, finding a job that fit his personality better and a company that maintains and lives our value system vs. he got screwed. (okay this one is hard, he did get SCREWED).

Our life is filled with so many generous and caring people who have reached out to us in some many amazing and wonderful ways, which help us change our spending habits and be grateful for what we have vs. he was screwed by the company and now we are struggling to pay our bills.

My family is bonding, the three of them have created this connection from the days that they are together all day, my youngest (who was very Mommy oriented) is now just loving her daddy and asking him for help with all kinds of things vs. because my husband lost his job, we are not able to afford day care full time and they have to be home with no friends to play with.

We need extra money and I will be a supervisor and a presenter, which both affords me some extra money, I hope enough to help us and starts me on a professional goal that I have had in mind and was going to do in a few years, but now I can now. A door closes and God opens a window. vs. I have to work more because my husband can't because of his legs and the company screwed him.

Okay, so what is my secret? Amazing people in my life, who love me no matter what mood I am in. My best friend is my husband. I do truly want to love my life, no matter what. I know how to take care of myself and work to do just that each day. And GOD. God has been such a welcome presence in my life.

Trick or Treat?

"When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on."
– Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"Believe that you can do it, under any circumstances. Because if you believe you can, then you really will. That belief just keeps you searching for the answers, then pretty soon you get it."
– Wally "Famous" Amos

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33

Trick or Treat?

Treat Please!

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